Refund Policy

We offer a 14-Day refund policy. You may request a refund for up to 14 days after you begin the course.

To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your request to along with supporting materials listed below no more than 14 days after your purchase date. The refund period ends at 11:59pm, 14 days after your purchase date and absolutely no refunds can be made after that date and time. No exceptions will be made. 

Along with your written refund request within the 14 day period, you must submit a Proof of Purchase. This can be in the form of the email receipt you got after purchasing. Be sure that is shows the date of purchase.

Deciding after you purchase that you can no longer afford the payments, do not want to do the work, or don’t want to build a course anymore does not earn a refund.

This refund policy is designed to give you 14 days to try the program, get acquainted, and learn! If you do the work, put in your best effort, and feel that we haven’t delivered on our STEP 0 promise, we will issue a 100% refund.

We are giving our 100% effort to provide the best and most effective learning environment possible, and want our students to have the same high standard. You owe it to yourself to give it your best! 

Thank you!