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Here are a few other cool things you might be interested in though!
Here is a raw journal entry from today. I'm sharing it with you because it's important to hear what the process is like while you're still in the thick of it, not just once you've reached the mountaintop.
I'm committed to never gold-plating my gritty times.
I hope it helps you find encouragement and helpful perspective to keep moving forward.
How the heck do you go from charging $500 for your services to $5,000, or $10,000, or even $30,000? — When I first started designing, I literally charged $10/hour for logo design. I realized that if I wanted to actually make a living doing what I love, then I’d have to raise my rates to something sustainable. Heres 5 valuable lessons I’ve learned…
Too often we feel like it doesn’t count until we’ve got big results. It’s easy to get hung up on your results being the determining factor of whether you are valid or not, but it’s just not true. But there’s only ONE person who gets to decide what counts as progress: WE DO.
It’s frustrating to feel like you lack discipline, drive, or willpower to consistently make progress towards the goals you care about the most, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT SEEMS THAT OTHER PEOPLE POSSESS THE ABILITY TO STAY LASER-FOCUSED ON WHAT THEY WANT.
It’s always been one of my goals to be able to say, “I can’t believe I get to do this for a living.” Recently, I realized that feeling wasn’t as far off as I thought. Fulfillment in life isn’t dictated by our external circumstances, but by what’s going on on the INSIDE of us.
When we allow ourselves to be in the posture of practicing when we are building our brand, our business, or our influence, then we take away the power of perfectionism. — We give ourselves permission to be imperfect, and to try and fail in different ways, which teaches us more than performance ever could.
Feeling scared? Bitter? Jealous? Here’s a fresh perspective on your biggest competition.
Puke and Poo and Carpet, Oh My! A few weeks ago I had a pretty wild week. I could have been really tempted to REACT, but I chose, day after day, to RESPOND with a healthy attitude and perspective.
Perfectionism, at its core, is FEAR.
And I think that it’s high time we started calling it what it is.
Unless we define our fear, then the illusion remains—and ALL of the fear’s strength lies in the unknown an undefined; the “WHAT-IF?”
We have to stop entertaining the idea of a Plan B if we ever want to experience true success.